About me

I am a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Machine Learning and director of Manchester Robotics and Embodied AI Lab (REAL) at the Department of Computer Science and a member of Centre for AI Fundamentals and Centre for Robotics and AI, The University of Manchester, UK. Before that, I was an Assistant Professor in Robot Dynamics at the Department of Cognitive Robotics and co-director of Delft SELF AI Lab, TU Delft, Netherlands and a Project Leader at DJI, China. I am an Area Chair or Associate Editor of IEEE RAL (outstanding AE award), ACM TOPML, CoRL, L4DC, ICRA, IROS. I received my degrees from Imperial College London, University of Science and Technology of China and Harbin Institute of Technology.

I have a broad interest in robot control using Bayesian machine learning and the principles of dynamic control. Recently, I have been interested in human-AI/robots teaming.

Openings for PostDocs, PhDs and visitors. Please email us if you wish to join my group. Find more information about funding opportunities.

PhD positions are available at UKRI AI CDT in Decision Making for Complex Systems.

Reading group on Large Foundation Model & Human-AI Collaboration. Visit reading group website and drop an email to Yang Li if you are interested in reading papers with us.

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