Interested in working with us in Robotics, Machine Learning and Control at the Department of Computer Science, The University of Manchester? There are always positions available for outstanding prospective PhD students and postdoctoral staff. Please email us if you wish to join the Pan Group.
PostDoc Opportunities
- If you would like to apply for a PostDoctoral Fellowship to work in my group, this list of PostDoctoral Fellowships might be useful.
- We are also welcoming and supporting outstanding postdocs applying for a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship. Please contact me if you are interested.
PhD Scholarships
Fully-funded and self-funded PhD positions are available at the Department of Computer Science, The University of Manchester.
- UKRI AI Centre for Doctoral Training in Decision Making for Complex Systems, partnership with University of Cambridge
- The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems, ELLIS Manchester Unit (Strongly recommend)
- President’s Doctoral Scholar Award
- Dean’s Doctoral Scholarship
- For Chinese applicants, The University of Manchester-China Scholarship Council Joint Scholarship
- A list of funding oppurtunities in the Department of Computer Science
Please check the English Requirement before you apply Computer Science PhD pragram. If you have any questions to funding, please don’t hesitate to direct your inquires to our CS Department Admission Office.
Past Openings
- AI CDT Position 1: Al-Driven Materials Design for Next-Generation Capacitors
- AI CDT Position 2: Designing Optimal Strategies for Controlling Complex Quantum Systems
- Bicentenary Scholarship: AI-Driven Robotics for Intelligent Construction: Optimising Human-Robot Collaboration through Digitalisation